

= Leftovers =

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Director, editor, cinematographer, sound design: Aaron Dylan Kearns
Genre: Experimental
Runtime: 10:16
Budget: $0
Release Date: May 23, 2017

The first seed of inspiration for this film of mine was planted back in late 2016, when I went to an arthouse styled screening of the films of James Krell.

Ever since his creative prime from the 1960s to the early 80s, Krell has been acknowledged by his, albeit small, following as being one of the most influential and profound minds in the American experimental film scene. His works are cryptic, they never leave straight answers, and viewing them is like entering an alternate reality where familiar imagery is used to create a non narrative landscape that can best be described as super reality.

Seeing his works that night, my general perspective of experimental cinema made a great shift. Leftovers was my first step into a new field of filmmaking which I hadn’t taken on before.

The trailer:

The poster:

Leftovers poster
Download poster
